Dec 18, 2023
HMS Competition
On Saturday, we hosted a competition at HMS! Team E won the Excellence award again (they won it at Freyburg as well). You can see the...
Nov 19, 2023
York Competition
Our 7th and 8th grade teams went to the York competition this Saturday. Team E is now first in the state for skills, with a score of 162....
Nov 6, 2023
Fryeburg Competition!
We had an amazing first competition, with all of our teams competing. Team 7831E won the Middle School Excellence Award.
May 11, 2023
Fifth graders start robotics!
Normally, middle school robotics is for grades 6-8, but today, the fifth graders from the elementary school started building Speedbots,...
May 9, 2023
The Destructathon!
Today we took apart our robots that we had used for Spin Up. While we were doing that, we realized that we have a lot of random pieces of...